Fly off to Dreamland

Inspired by everyone's favorite pink puffball, this DSA set pays homage to one of gaming's cutest and most lovable icons. While the artisan world is full of caps for Kirbo, there has yet to be a set for the star of the show himself. Frankly, I think that is a disservice.

Overall, The idea was to go simple, but recognizably Kirb. So lots of stars and very pink! Peep that Yellow escape as well, we may want to do an artisan! I chose a uniform and rounded profile as I think it is within the spirit of our character. Very obviously, we have a simple colorway inspired by his pink body and red feet.



Here's a list of what's changed since interest check

  • Additional sizes added.

  • Modifier icons changed to something feeling more rounded and fitting to the character.

  • Added some missed key sizes from the original interest check.

  • Copy ability novelties added to novelty kit.

  • Legend on pink keys is red rather than dark pink.

  • Better ISO support that previously included.

  • 3/12 - The profile of the set has changed! This set will now be produced in KBM and Matt3o’s ‘PBS’ profile

  • More information about PBS profile here

  • 6/12 - Kitting has been updated and new renders will be provided to reflect updated kitting for better clarity

  • We have also made sure to include 40s support with 1.75U backspace, 1.25U tab and 1.5U enter

  • An Ergo kit and Spacebars kit has also been added as folks tend to use uniform sets more broadly



Poyo! 〰️

